April 19,2012
Nurit Greenger
Not one more Gush Katif; the story of the Friends of Migron.
There was a time I did not understand the ambiguous policy
of the Government of Israel. I also did
not know much about the Jewish pioneering in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. I am a
Jewess living in the United States.
In 2004, as on every year, I attended the Independence Day
of Israel Festival, a yearly event in Los Angeles. There I met a bunch of orange shirt wearers
who introduced me to Gush Katif who informed about the impending expulsion and
destruction of this community. Of course I signed their petition and as I didso
I thought the government of Israel cannot do such an evil act against their
Jewish citizens. Jews simply do not expel other Jews from their homes and
making them homeless overnight. These
Jewish pioneers will remain where they are and such an expulsion will not take
How wrong I was.
A year later, despite petitions, demonstrations, public
outcries and the resulting political rhetoric, in August 2005, the Government
of Israel sent the IDF – the army its duty is to protect the Jewish people of
Israel - into Gush Katif and in a massive operation forcibly expelled the 8,600
residents of Gush Katif, destroyed their homes, their established businesses
and the infrastructure of the community, which had existed for twenty five
years. How and why they did it remains
an enigma tome and a stain on the Israeli psyche. This unilateral disengagement plan that Ariel
Sharon, the Prime Minister at that time, convinced his government to support
was a total failure and it has set back and badly compromised Israel's security
in the south of the country. Gush Katif became rubble.
ArielSharon promised a positive outcome would result from
the disengagement. Yet, thousands of
rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel since the removal of Gush
Katif, causing fear, chaos and injuries and even deaths. Millions of dollars
have been spent to fight the terrorist enclaves in Gaza and to keep the
citizens of Israel safe.
To me, the unilateral disengagement from Gaza was a total
failure. More so, it forced me to use a repulsive new terminology, a “Jewish
Pogrom," Jews vandalizing other Jews, Jews expelling other Jews from their
rightful homes.
The anti-Semitic Spaniards, of the March 31, 1492expulsions
edict were laughing in their graves. We are now exonerated theywould have said
if they were alive; if Jews can do it to other Jews, surely itis acceptable
that non-Jews, who hate Jews, can do the same.
In 1967,in a brilliant and rather miraculous military
operation that is part of warfare studies in military schools, Israel gained
territories she lost in her 1948 Warof Independence, i.e. Gaza Strip, gained
from Egyptian control, Judea andSamaria gained from Jordanian control and some
land on the Golan Heights,gained from Syrian control. Israel became a country from the [Jordan]
River to the[Mediterranean] Sea, just as God promised.
As theBible tells us, in a special Covenant between God and
man, in this alliance Godhas given Abraham and his seed after him a divine
promise that cannot bewaived. Genesis Chapter 15: On that that day God made a
Covenant with Avram saying,to your seed, I give this land, from the river of
Egypt, to the big river, theEuphrates River... "
GushKatif, meaning, Harvest Bloc, was a bloc of seventeen
Israeli communities inthe Gaza Strip in southern Israel. Late Prime Minister
Yitzchak Rabinemphasized the fact that Gush Katif was essential to Israel’s
security border.Ariel Sharon did not care what Rabin said; he had his agenda he
was going toforce on the nation through lies and deception.
Gush Katifwas not the only place Jews settled after the
1976Six Day War victory.
With thestamp of approval from the Israeli government, Jews
began settling theirancient lands - Judea and Samaria as well. However instead
of making this land a natural part of Israel's sovereignty,Israel chose to
exclude it and maintained the territory under military controland law. In other
words, no matter Judea and Samaria is an important territoryto Israel's
security and Israel’s rightful land, it could fall victim toanother unilateral
disengagement, just like Gush Katif.
Today, forty-five years after the Six Day War, there are
approximately 350,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria; in other words, should
such expulsion take place, it means, approximately 35 times the size of Gush
Katif expulsion could take place. Who can tolerate that? I cannot!
To addmore fuel to the fire, in 1993, in the Oslo Accords,
the government of Israelcame up with a new, not at all smart idea: to give the
Arabs land, in Judea andSamaria, to establish their own independent state
Palestine. Israel alsoconceded to their newly acclaimed name "Palestinians”
thus giving birth toa new Arab nation that never existed before. Though the
Arabs consider all ofthe state of Israel to be "their" Palestine,
Israel thought that byconceding to such Arab state idea, the Arabs will be put
off their goal toconquer all of Israel's land, to expel, or kill, all Jews and
bring to an endthe ‘Zionist enterprise’.
How wrong was the
government of Israel yet again. By signing the Oslo Accords, Israel conceded to
a new onslaught of political, media, diplomatic and intellectual terror warfare
the Arabs launched on her.
Learning the lessons from Gush Katif, seeing how the Israeli
Supreme Court, the Defence Ministry and even the Prime Minister's office act
when it comes to the Jews living in Judea and Samaria, one can only predict,
with trepidation, that more government wickedness is being prepared for their
constituent Jews. Knowing that the
Government of Israel cannot be trusted, after all they lied in their promises
to the nation in order to convince the people that Gush Katif destruction will
yield good, precautions must be taken.
Through its fickleness, the government of Israel has created
a new, but dark history, of approving and then destroying communities in Judea
and Samaria. To mention one is the notorious and violent expulsion of Jews from
Amona, a community that was once part of Mateh Binyamin.
The Amonapogrom פוגרום
פינוי עמונה- Amona Pogrom:
But harshreality made me understand that surprises may come
and soon.
The expulsion from Gush Katif was a shock to the nation and
Jews in the Diaspora. A repeat of such action is unacceptable.
With theclear view that the policy of the Israeli Defence
Ministry is bias toward Jewsliving in Judea and Samaria, I see the much spoken
about case of the communityof Migron, a time bomb ready to explode.
Migron, foundedin 1999 in Benyamin 14 kilometres north of
Jerusalem, with full approval andsupport of the government of Israel, is a
community of 50 families with over300 Jewish souls, and is now in danger of
Theanti-Israel, pro-Arab-"Palestinians “organization
Peace Now searched andfound some Arabs who can come forward to claim that they
owned the land, withabsolutely no proof.
Along theirstandard approach to harassing Israelis and the legal system
of Israel, PeaceNow then went to the High Court of Israel and made the claim to
the land onbehalf of the Arabs. The court then ordered the community of Migron
to beevacuated on the 1st August 2012.
EarlyApril 2012 a friend from Australia, who was greatly
involved in petitioning against the destruction and evacuation of Gush Kati
asked me if I will be part of a global petition to save Migron.
Readingreliable legal opinion that Migron has the full legal
right to remain where itis, I did what any good member of the Jewish family
would do, I said yes, and gotinvolved in the petition campaign to save
Migron. The battle for Migron is
important, as thefate of Migorn is the harbinger of the fate of the 350,000
Jews living in theShomron - Judea and Samaria Area.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we, Jews, stand in
silence for the duration of the siren, to remember the six million Jews who
were brutally exterminated by the savage Nazis. The Holocaust began by
destroying Jews' property, burning their shops, and isolating them in Ghettos
before sending them to Concentrations Camps – the Nazi killing factories. This
kind of inhumane behaviour has been shown in Gush Katif and Amona.
In 1967Israel did not conquer any land. It gained land that
legally belongs to her, which the Arabs occupied since 1949 when the fledgling
Israeli army could not defend it from the Arabs' onslaught. (The Jewish
People's Rights To The Land OfIsrael -
It is timeto end the two state policy; there is no room for
another Arab state in Judeaand Samaria;
It is timeto end any and all destructions of Jewish
communities, even if it is stillconsidered to be an "outpost";
It is timeto annex the entire Judea and Samaria and admit,
to ourselves first, that theland from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea
is legally Jewish Land.
It is timeto open the economic gate and offer huge
incentives to settle every possiblesquare kilometre of Judea and Samaria and to
build and build and develop ourancient Jewish land.
It is timeto reverse the Supreme Court Order and allow
Migron to remain and thrive on theprecise land where it was founded.
It is timefor the government of Israel to honour the Torah
and to allow Jews to honourTorah as well.
It is timeto end any and all Jews against Jews acts; Jews do
not demolish other Jews' homes.Jews do not uproot one Jewish tree; Jews do not
destroy one Jewish home, evenif it is a caravan, in which Jews dwell. Jews do
not destroy Jewish synagogues.The Government of Israel must immediately end the
Pogroms it conducts, on aregular basis, in Judea and Samaria.
Please joinus, Friends of Migron International and the
campaign to save Migron now.
The link for the petition in English:
The link for thepetition in Hebrewהעתירה בעברית-:
The link for the petition in Spanish:
The link for the petition in Italian:
The link for the petition in French:
The link for the petition in German:
The link for the petition in Russian:
Click here for printable petition. Please printsign up
others and mail to: The Shomron Liaison Office PO Box 184, Reveva, DNLev
HaShomron, 44839, Israel
Clickhere to donate online to support our efforts:
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