The Internet is an amazing tool. I made some comment a few days ago about Julia Gillard having a 'Severe Borderline Personality Disorder Axis II with interestingly enough Paranoid features'. It was tongue in cheek. It was actually a diagnosis that I was labelled with after being severely bullied at Deniliquin High School and literally had my life both personal and professional, destroyed when the Head Teacher of English in 2006 Leanne Jones with the Principal Bernie Roebuck of that school harrassed and rebuked and rebuked me without end until I left on workcover. It is actually called Mirco Management and it is a way of destroying an employee psychologically by belittling them and picking fault with everything they do, making fun of their values, comments about their life which are calculated to wound and to demean in order that they either end up completely cowered in fear and do exactly what you want whether ethical or not, or leave or commit suicide from the resulting depression because of unemployment or employment in menial mind and soul destroying work.
I do not want to go into the finer details of what they did, but they know exactly what they did. They have done it to others and in an interesting co-incidence, in 2002 I was at Fairfield High School in Sydney. The principal of Fairfield was keen to have me at the school as I am an English/ ESL specialist teacher and have also had experience in other subjects related such as Drama, Junior computing and History. The principal tried to get me as a permanent teacher at the school but it does not go on who the Principals want in the city. They have some power but not a lot. I was 39 on the priority list and an Indian teacher was coming in from Deniliquin on a compassionate transfer. Apparently he had had horrific time there and it was even known by the other teachers and to their credit, they did complain about Leanne Jones's treatment of him. She made a comment to me while showing me the resources book room when i first arrived there that they had had Indian teacher and no one could understand his English. I had happened to meet the guy before I left Fairfield for Narrandera High School in early 2003 and to be honest, his English was very good, better than many Australians I have to add, who think they know English perfectly because they happen to be born in this country. So I answered that her comment was perhaps overly harsh and not exactly true. I got a very hard and calculated stare, as if to say, you stupid little classroom teacher, you are questioning me(?) the head teacher of this School in your faculty.
Anyway to cut a long story short after being put on a 'teacher improvement program' within three weeks of being at the school and being bullied and bullied without end, I left on workcover a the end of May 2006 suffering what I now believe to be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I could go into all the tactics and unprofessional conduct that they indulged in but it would be book length and serve no purpose here. It will one day be a book that may be useful for understanding what bullying in the teaching profession is and what it does to people and how to combat it, but that is not for now. I was sent to a Psychiatrist called Dr Peter Snowdon who in a three hour consultation wrote pages and pages of notes from which he wrote a report that got facts wrong, twisted things I said and I feel deliberately, asked personal questions about my life and my present lifestyle which had nothing what so ever to do with my teaching skills, made insinuations and assumptions about how I was supposed to have hated the Principal Gerard Jongsma of Narrandera High School. Not true. I did not have much respect for him because of the way he treated his staff, talked about them behind their backs in the staff common room and held one staff member in particular when I was around up for ridicule, a woman called Stephanie Strong who was a good strong member of the teaching team. Also when I went to see him with regard to some behaviour issues with students and other matters pertaining to my role in the school, he regaled me with tales about him and Cheryl his wife and their children and mentioning all the time that his daughter was an up and coming member of the Australian Federal Police. To be honest, I did not care one wit about his family life. I was juggling a full working life, a new baby and while they wanted to force me to leave the teaching staff there because they had a young primary trained teacher they wanted in my permanent position, I had no choice but to stay on because of financial reasons although I was desperately unhappy at the school and with the way I was being treated.
Students were encouraged to make fun of me. I was and still am a single parent. The fun they had with me was often of sexually explicit comments and even staff joined in and I was told that I had depression because I was not in a sexual relationship or I must be a lesbian or something of the sort. Utter rot. I actually think there was a lot of jealousy because I was on a good wage and competent in my work and did work hard. I did not socialise but then also others chose not to socialise with me. I was not even invited or 'left out' of functions held for staff so I did become far more dependent for psychological support from friends in Melbourne. What was also interesting is that the Christian Evangelistic Group of which the Principal and the Librarian where strong members even tried to start hupping me over to their minister and I believe now they they were very critical of the fact I had had a baby at 49 and were looking for some way to have the child taken away from me as they believed that I was not a suitable parent merely because I was not a Christian and a Jew. In other words they wanted to 'save' my child through developing in him and me a 'belief in JC the saviour.' the problem with some of these really fanatic Christians they cannot cope with other religious belief systems and they are so insecure in their own faith and have doubts about whether he is really their messiah so they have to destroy the lives of others in order to bring them into their way of thinking. Hateful and spiteful people really.
Now I got a little inkling of the extent of their spite. This Booligirl who commented on my site, she is from the Riverina. Surprise, surprise, NOT. I investigated her a little and lo and behold she has a store and is probably somehow connected to what happened to me. They probably made fun of me, held me up to ridicule because that is what bored spiteful people do.
During my time at Narrandera High School, I really had time for little in my life but visiting my mother during the holidays or friends who are closer and better than family in Melbourne, looking after my son and doing my work. My life was quiet and peaceful, except for an attempted break in to my house at 47 Twynham Street while I was away one holidays, my life was pretty serene except when I had to deal with the financial mess I was left in by my ex husband who has a car that we bought jointly and who still has not fulfilled his financial obligations and as a consequence I have had to deal with collection agencies day after day, month after month and year after year.
I made a complaint about the Narrandera Principal because of his and his Deputy's handling of an incident with a student who made an explicit sexual comment to me and I felt it was both demeaning and out of order and needed to be dealt with seriously. They made me a fool. I was sick to death of being made fun of for my conservative and moral beliefs. I tried to talk to Jongsma about the kids having phones in class because they were accessing porn and according to the two girls in my year ten class able to photo shop head shots of the girls and myself onto prostitutes doing G-D only knows what and distribute it on the net.That is why I promised one stupid child that if he took a photo of me with his phone, I would take him to the police and have him charged, because I knew what he intended to do with it. I advised the girls they should do the same. Jongsma said that there were problems banning phones in classrooms. I could not see the problem. If some one said to me that their mother or father may need to contact them in a hurry, my stock answer to that problem was simply, the front office has your timetable and they know exactly what classroom you are meant to be in at what time. End of story. No phone. It is that easy. I hate teachers who are wishy washy and too friendly with students. I am a teacher, not their peer, not their friend because I have my own circle of friends and often that includes colleagues and SASS staff. You can be friendly to students and look out for their welfare but you are NOT their friend or their parent or their psychologist. You are their English teacher, Maths teacher, Science teacher or what ever teacher and you need to keep a healthy and objective distance. If I had really had a Severe Borderline Personality Disorder Axis II, I would be a substance abuser, over friendly with students and in other words a total suicidal flip out. I have never crossed that line and never will.
Booligirl obviously has guilt pangs and I am willing to bet that she has some connections somewhere in either Narrandera or Deniliquin. The fact that she feels the need to come on my blog and denegrate me is interesting in the extreme. Here is her website for sales. I hope her business flops like the ALP's election hopes.
Going by some of the trashy articles on sale at the site, (example above) I think I can understand just the sort of person she is and the sort of person she would like to see in teaching. Probably a fan of the fellow who took pictures of himself and his ex student doing the deed and putting it on the net. Where are people's moral guidelines today?
He he he he he
Ah yes Booligal. The absolute extent of your mentality, your articulate ness or should we say articulatelessness is summed up in your insane little giggle. Reminds me of a dickhead of a prime minister in the early 90's who blew raspberries at Dr John Hewson. When you have nothing of real worth to say, that is what you are reduced to. Insane giggles, raspberries or breaking wind. How original dear!
All you probably have going for you is money which you have some how ripped off someone else. A person of your mentality could not hack real work. Go find some AWU mates to play with and leave the serious stuff to those of us who do care and who want to build.
Idiot, I do no even know why I waste time on a spoilt brat like you but I guess it is all those years of teaching and caring about those kids the rest of them said were unteachable.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha..........ha ha ha ha
Well clearly the level of communication of poor Booligal would have been better if she would have had a teacher that knew
A) how to spell
B) parts of speech
C) how to read and understand texts on a basic level as well as contexts, inference and connotation
But sadly with places like Narrandera they preferred half literate racists for principals given to violent outbursts, bar flies for The Maths department and sleaze bag deputies with sexist comments, peodophile lesbians in the English and Art departments and fundamentalist Christians with a full on conversion agenda in the Library and geography department. Oh yes, I did forget the chain smoking foul mouthed head of HISE who used to teach at Wilcannia. About the only decent teachers with one exception were in the science department, TAS and Food Technology. The literacy there was abysmal. Forgive me if I cared enough to work my butt off getting a class of kids that every one almost without exception, bagged and hated to teach through their school certificate History and English. I actually liked them much more than some of my teaching 'colleagues' who had nothing better to do with their time than talk about how vile theses kids were or like the then principal who was everybody's friend. I much prefer principals who don't degrade their staff and students in the common room and who don't wear nappies for a poor 'joke' in formal assemblies. I like principals who are respectful and respected. I like principals who inspire a little bit or a lot of fear. Fear can be healthy and inspiring.
I don't want people to love me or even like me, but eventually they need to have respect for themselves and people like me. If they don't it becomes their loss and they end up cackling galahs just like Booligal. My guess, her next comment will be 'te he,he' because poor thing, that is the extent of her vocabulary. Go do a TAFE course in social skills and literacy Booligirl. At present you are boring. Bye darlin'. When you can show you have even 1/4 a brain I'll be happy to talk to you. There it shows what community minded and magnanimous person I am. TTFN
O horrors I left out an 'a' in the last sentence. Hang draw and quarter me!
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