Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lou Sweeny and the diametric marriage paradigm


Interesting article in the Age today.  Lou Sweeny it turns out had a child with a female partner and now is in a relationship with a man. Woopy do da!
It is all here and her son is a normal human being. No thanks to her perversions in the past, I guess. It is probably thanks to the intervention of the wonderful human being who she has met (thank G-D) who happens to be male and is obviously a good role model to her son. Apparently they have been apart since he was one. Thank goodness for that.

All these people carrying on about supporting same sex marriage makes me wonder if they are so really in love, how come they did not stick it out as a couple. It proves one of the points that I have made previously, lesbians and homosexuals are really just closet heterosexuals waiting for the right man or woman of their opposite gender to happen along and then they will toss the same sex partner over for that more conventional partner. Makes me wonder why all the fuss over same sex marriage anyway? If they can have a sexual relationship with a member of the same sex, why do they need to marry them?
The answer is obvious. They know same sex marriage is a non-issue anyway and that same sex partnerships are an abomination, so why are they pushing for same sex marriages? To try and convince the rest of us that it really is ok? Get out and about. Control yourself and have other interests. You don't need a life partner to be a happy healthy human being. It certainly helps but it not essential to one's life.
Trust me, as someone who is entering her second decade of celibacy  (and probably will last another decade too), you weight up the benefits of being in a relationship with someone who could jeopardize the safety and security of you, your child and your all and you cuddle up closer to the hot water bottle in winter and extend your library of books. You have to think in terms of the emotional cost of a failed marriage or relationship and believe me the loneliness weighed against the pain of a broken marriage or relationship, I will take the loneliness any day. That I can cope with. It teaches you to be self sufficient and tough as nails. You do not get emotionally involved to the extent that you end up in tears almost every night. Besides children deserve your full attention once you have them and not a partner. Too many kids become distant and depressed because Mum is off shagging some new paramour and child/ren  are left alone.
One needs a level head to proceed forward and jumping from the fire to the frying pan is not the way to go. Obviously Lou jumped the correct way and I wish her and her partner and child well. Thank G-D she is no longer in a same sex relationship. I bet that is what her dad wanted. For her to have a normal healthy relationship and to raise kids happily. Unfortunately not all of us have such accepting families and friends that allow us to explore alternative sexuality and lifestyles. Just as well, I think. Most of us want a boring conventional life, raising kids to adulthood well and seeing them off on their careers and doing well in the community as well as we want to dangle some grand kids on our knees and enjoy them too.