Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to School


My son woke up with a cough and I was half inclined to want to keep him home, but decided that he could go to school. He had a similar croupy bark on Sunday but it went away within an hour of waking up and running around.
I decided that it was not too serious and packed him off to school and his Hebrew class.I went to work, as I must to pay rent and keep a roof over our heads, no matter how meagre.
Classes, staff meeting afterwards and some are concerned that the Melbourne Cup is three weeks away. come to think of it, do I get paid for a public holiday? I must ask.
Still seething over the website and the viciousness of the trick played on me by a so-called 'old friend'. It hurts and I never do want anything to do with her again. Definitely a person to avoid being too entangled with.
I look at my gorgous son and I think how he has grown and how he has matured despite the bullying and all the other stuff that was done to him. How he endured my breakdown and depression after my bullying and I look and see a real little champion guy. He has never once wavered in his loyalty to me. That makes me strong as if he can be strong  so can I. I must be his support in all ways too.

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